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Cleaning Pet Odors, Pet Stains, Dog Urine, Cat Urine from Carpets, Rugs and Upholstery

We all love our pets. Pets are a great source of joy and happiness. But they can also be a source of accidents and odor! Whether your carpets or upholstery have stains or odors,  Mr. Steam can undo the damage your beloved pet may have caused.


Don’t “Do It Yourself”!

Urine, feces, vomit, and other organic pet stains require professional attention. Retail carpet cleaning products you find in grocery or home-improvement stores just don’t have the strength to completely remove and sanitize pet stains and remove odors left behind. In fact, many of these products can actually make the removal of pet stains and pet odors more difficult, if not IMPOSSIBLE!

Our Process:

In many pet stain and odor removal services we provide, a normal carpet cleaning is sufficient. In severe cases, however, the pet stain and odor has seeped beyond the carpet, and is then known as “multi-layered” pet stain. Urine, feces, and other pet stains and their odors soak into carpets and their corresponding layers if left untreated, and can even go as far as soaking into the hard floors underneath your carpet and padding. At that point, we will have to clean and sanitize each layer of the pet odor/pet stain problem. The greatest challenge is to remove pet odors and the resulting contamination from all of the affected layers.

Mr. Steam Carpet Cleaning will clean the affected areas with a special neutralizer: often live enzyme treatments will kill the bacteria which causes lingering odors. We will then re-clean the area to ensure both the pet stain and the treatment chemicals are removed. The result of our process is that the pet stains and their odor-causing bacteria are rinsed from all of the affected layers.

Minor Odor Treatment

We will deep clean the affected areas then we will saturate affected areas with our deodorizer & live enzyme, let it penetrate for 15 minutes. Next we will use an extraction tool to extract it all the way to the carpet padding. This is a very good alternative to the costly major odor treatment.

Major Odor Treatment

This process involves pulling up the carpet in the affected area, cleaning and treating the backing, removing and replacing the padding. Deep cleaning, treating and sealing the sub floor, and finally treating the carpet pile.

We Specialize in Pet Stain and Odor Removal

We are experts on carpet care and we specialize in pet problems. We carry a full line of professional carpet cleaning products made especially for pet accidents. These products work! We wouldn’t use them if they didn’t, and we have an excellent success rate in removing pet stains and odors.

4 Facts You Need To Know

  • FACT: Urine in carpet never completely dries out. It seeps into the backing and stays wet for a very long time. When it gets humid, urine will pull the moisture from the air to reactivate the odor. That’s why the urine odor can actually return years later.
  • FACT: A visible urine spot the size of a baseball on top side of your carpet may actually be the size of a large dinner plate under the surface.
  • FACT: Proteins in urine work like glue, bonding the yellow pigment to carpet fibers. Our process liquefies and breaks down these proteins. This is what releases the stain from the fibers.
  • FACT: Timing is critical. The longer a spot is on your carpet, the higher the risk of color loss or permanent discoloration.

How can I be sure that a stain or odor is going to come out of my carpet?

No company guarantees every stain or odor will be completely removed after cleaning. Likewise, we make no such claim. However, if anyone is going to be able to do it for you, it would be us at Mr. Steam Atlanta Pet stains & odor removal. Our technicians are very well trained and highly knowledgeable about the composition of stains and odors and what needs to be done to treat them. You can only imagine how many stain and odor jobs we have seen and treated. We have “seen it all” and have had great success even with the most difficult cases. And even in the times we are not able to remove the stain completely we can greatly improve it.

For More Info Call Us Today!